consider, your doing some chat Application, In Compose Image part we have to add some smile images with Text in the Edit text box for this task I share the following code for complete this task.
Let consider we have kept all the smile image into the HashMap
private static final HashMap<String, Integer> smileicons= new HashMap<String, Integer>(); static {
.put("#_fi001.png", R.drawable._fi001);
.put("#_fi002.png", R.drawable._fi002);
.put("#_fi003.png", R.drawable._fi003);
.put("#_fi004.png", R.drawable._fi004);
.put("#_fi005.png", R.drawable._fi005);
.put("#_fi006.png", R.drawable._fi006);
.put("#_fi007.png", R.drawable._fi007); .......
To add the Images into the Edit text box when the your click on the smile image
// icongridview is the GridView of the Smile Image box
messaage is the Edit Text
public static Integer[] simleicons = { R.drawable._fi001,
R.drawable._fi002, R.drawable._fi003, R.drawable._fi004};
icongridview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1,
final int arg2, long arg3) {
ImageGetter imageGetter = new ImageGetter() {
public Drawable getDrawable(String source) {
Drawable d;
d = getResources().getDrawable(smileicons[arg2]);
d.setBounds(0, 0, 55, 53);
return d;
Spanned cs = null;
cs = Html.fromHtml("<img src='" + "ImageName.png"
+ "'/>", imageGetter, null);
int start = messaage.getSelectionStart();
int end = messaage.getSelectionEnd();
messaage.getText().replace(Math.min(start, end),
Math.max(start, end), cs, 0, 1);
Save the Msg content and display Msg again in the Edit text
Get the Edit Text Message as the String
// Save the Msg content by
private String get_msg() {
String ms = Html.toHtml(messaage.getText());
ms = ms.replace("<img src=\"", "");
ms = ms.replace("\">", "");
ms = Html.fromHtml(ms).toString();
msg = ms.trim();
return msg;
Display the smile image from String Value
by calling ChatContentParser.getSmiledText(context,Context context, EditText messaage,String text) ;
public class ChatContentParser {
public static void getSmiledText(final Context context, EditText messaage,
String text) {
Spanned cs = null;
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(text);
int index;
int reduced_length = 0;
for (index = 0; index < builder.length(); index++) {
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : smileicons.entrySet()) {
int length = entry.getKey().length();
if (index + length > builder.length())
if (builder.subSequence(index, index + length).toString()
.equals(entry.getKey())) {
ImageGetter imgGetter = get(context, entry.getValue());
cs = Html.fromHtml("<img src='" + entry.getKey() + "'/>",
imgGetter, null);
messaage.getText().replace(index - reduced_length,
index + length - reduced_length, cs, 0, 1);
reduced_length += length - 1;
private static ImageGetter get(final Context context, final int ImageID) {
return new ImageGetter() {
public Drawable getDrawable(String source) {
Drawable d;
d = context.getResources().getDrawable(ImageID);
d.setBounds(0, 0, 55, 53);
return d;
Hi Regu,
ReplyDeletecan you please provide some sample application for this i am looking for an edit text with some images and save them to a file. i think your above approach will work for it Thanks.